Banshee Chapter (2013)

When I think about Banshee Chapter, I keep finding myself saying “almost” or “nearly” or “not quite” over and over. It is an adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s From Beyond. Well, almost. The original version of the script started life as a first draft of Uwe Boll’s Alone in the Dark, but obviously that didn’t quite […]

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Burein weibu [Brain Wave] (2005)

I’ve been looking for this one for a long time. Korean Science Fiction movies really came to the attention of western fans of speculative fiction in 2003 when the movie Natural City — sometimes called the “Korean Blade Runner” — came out. Technically, it was one of several Korean Science Fiction films that came out […]

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Project X (1968)

Most people don’t realize that William Castle directed a science fiction film. Mind you, that’s at least partly because it hasn’t been shown much in recent years. It doesn’t get much love.  I’d be the first to admit that Project X (not to be confused with that film about monkeys with Matthew Broderick, or the […]

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Headsome (2013)

It has been the greatest challenge for Indie filmmakers: How do we get our film out there for the public to watch? A company named Distribber tried to fill that role, and set up an online platform for aspiring filmmakers: for a one time fee, they would distribute your film to a variety of different […]

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Last Three Days (2020)

Look, I like rules. It’s part of the reason I enjoy science fiction, and it certainly plays a part in which horror and fantasy films I like as well. But the point is that any story has to operate within a certain set of rules, something which gives us a clear idea of what is […]

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Edge of Sanity (1989)

Anthony Perkins as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? Well…let’s just say it sounds like a better idea than it is. I suppose the real shame is that we are talking about a lavishly produced period film, which looks and feels like a trip through Victorian London (with an emphasis on some of the nastier parts) […]

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Underworld (1985)

(aka Transmutations) What we have here is: Clive Barker’s first feature film credit (for story and screenwriting). Only he hated the results and disavows it. One of the first films from Charles Band’s Empire Films. Only it wasn’t actually produced by Empire and Band merely distributed it. And we might also note that it is […]

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Timemaster (1995)

Before we get started, let me call your attention to one curious fact: Timemaster was directed by James Glickenhouse and stars Jesse-Cameron Glickenhouse. What an amazing coincidence, right? And, yes, if you are still wondering, Jesse is the director’s son. Not that you would have much doubt about that after the first twenty minutes or […]

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