Prey (2022)

There’s been a lot written about Prey, which even from the more critical ends of the blogosphere seems almost equally divided between those who hate it and those who think it is a great movie. Frankly, I’ve never really thought of Predator as a “franchise.” Yeah, there was a sequel which came out a few […]

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Gentlemen Explorers (2013)

(aka, Young Gentlemen Explorers) I like this one. I’ll warn you, though: it is decidedly minimal.  After all, it was made by a backyard DIY filmmaker with more imagination than money. And, yes, I will be making allowances for that. Now I will point out that its minimal nature means that it feels a bit […]

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Remote Control (1988)

The Eighties were a really strange time. If you don’t believe me, look at some of the films made back in those days. Consider, for example, Remote Control: I mean, we’re used to science fiction films in which everyone wears shiny silver clothes, often with wide shoulders.  But one set in the Eighties? Mind you, […]

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Ekstrasens [Psychic] 1992

Honorable Mention This one deserves a place here because it is routinely identified as a Science Fiction film in most Western sources. It is also more or less impossible to find even the simplest plot summary of the film, or any sort of details. However, it would take an incredible stretch to identify this one […]

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