Laokoon (1970)

If you missed my review of Václav Mergl’s “Krabi,” you will need a brief catch up. At a time when you could find a lot of talented and innovative animators behind the Iron Curtain, Václav Mergl still stood out. He wasn’t much like the animator most of us who are familiar with the era will […]

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A.Li.Ce (2000)

It happened so fast. One day, the digital effects in your new movie looked absolutely incredible. And the next?  Well, they were already starting to look bad. Back in the late Nineties, and early Nothings, computer technology and CGI kept advancing at insane speed, with new animation looking outdated before it was even in the […]

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Zhan shen [War God] (1976)

(aka Da zai nan, Hong Kong Calamity, The Big Calamity, Guan Gong da zhan wai xing ren, Kuan Yu Battles with the Aliens, and probably a lot more I’ve missed) There are some films so insane that you can’t NOT watch them. War God is just about the Platonic ideal of unmissable insane films. After […]

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Biohazard (1985)

Fred Olen Ray has a well earned reputation for making bad films. If you have any doubts on that score, check out The Alien Dead, which somehow avoids having any aliens, dead or alive.  I’ll concede that some of his films aren’t all bad, like Deep Space, although I might be more lenient towards it because of […]

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