Galaxy of the Dinosaurs (1992)

Recipe for disaster: Take the dinosaur footage from Planet of the Dinosaurs — no one will mind, it is public domain — and combine it with some footage you shot near your home on VHS with a camcorder. And, of course, make only the most minimal effort to integrate the dinosaur footage into your magnum […]

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Mars Express (2023)

Let’s be honest here: Hollywood thinks animation is just for kids. And that it should all be 3-D computer animated so it looks exactly like Pixar. Well, that last one is gradually giving way as we’ve seen a few American films, like the latest Puss in Boots sequel, The Last Wish, which actually have their […]

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Alien Species (1998)

“Coming Soon: Alien Species 2 – The Invasion” “Interactive Movies.” It was one of those things that came and went fairly quickly. It probably would have been more accurate to call them videogames with filmed inserts, but that didn’t sound sexy enough, I guess. They were supposed to be like playing a movie. That is, […]

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Psychon Invaders (2006)

All right, I am abandoning any pretense of being an impartial reviewer. Yee Haw! Now I love — with all the passion of the five-year old me that still burns in my heart — movies with spaceships, and aliens and large model cities which get blown up. Throw in a lot of energetic practical effects […]

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Trava: Fist Planet (2003)

I never had the slightest doubt, when I first learned about Trava: Fist Planet, that I would have to watch this short anime OVA. . Or that I would have to watch it soon. After all, this was a dry run, a warm-up — or, if you would, a test drive — for what would […]

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Alternative 3 (1977)

Back in 1977, East Anglia TV ran a strange and sinister little documentary, detailing their investigation into the disappearance of a number of important scientists. Their search led them deeper and deeper into what looked like a sinister government conspiracy, complete with similar disappearances around the world, hints of connections to NASA, the moonflights, and […]

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Battle for Pandora (2022)

Now even if you didn’t know that Battle for Pandora had been made by The Asylum, you probably would have guessed that on your own. After all, there’s that word “Pandora” right there in the title, while the “poster” (you can’t call it “box art” when the film is a Tubi “original”) shows someone with […]

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