Freeze (2022)

As I pointed out in my review of Gods of the Deep, Charlie Steeds has directed a lot of horror films in his very short career — thirteen feature-length films since 2018, to be precise. He’s made all these films on minimal budgets and without studio support, and seems to get better and more sophisticated […]

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A Shoggoth on the Roof (2000)

Honorable Mention “There are some things man was not meant to adapt to musical theatre…” The finest H.P. Lovecraft adaptation ever made was the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society’s silent black and white version of The Call of Cthulhu. No questions asked. It took an enormously complex story line, with a series of flashbacks nested one […]

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The After (2014)

Honorable Mention (maybe it is, maybe it isn’t) Now if you were to picture the sort of TV series Chris Carter — the creator of The X-Files — would have been pitching to studios in the mid-Twenty-teens, you would probably guess yet another series about hardworking investigators, busy with cases overflowing with aliens and the […]

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Flatliners (1990)

Honorable Mention I’ve avoided this one for a long time. It wasn’t my thing at the time it came out, with its tale of attractive young scientists going further than man was supposed to go.  Nor was I as much into Horror as I am now.  Nor did the basic situation appeal to me that […]

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The Speed of Thought (2011)

(aka, Scoper) I’ve had a copy of this film sitting on my pile for some time and finally got around to it because my computer is currently down. This isn’t the first time I’ve had a movie which has lingered for a long time in my “Inbox.” Now I should start out by warning you […]

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Judge Dredd (1995)

I think a few words are in order about guilty pleasures. Let’s face it, we all know that there are films out there which we love unreservedly, and find ourselves watching again and again despite their flaws. In fact, the sad truth is that we love them far more than we love a lot of […]

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The Son of Dr. Jekyll (1951)

My first thought when I saw the opening of this movie was that The Son of Dr. Jekyll must have been the sequel to a version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde starring Louis Hayward. Well, that isn’t the case. Nor does Columbia Pictures appear to have made such a film without Hayward, prior to […]

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Terminal Entry (1987)

Honorable (mostly) Mention Now there’s a rare piece of truth in Advertising. I know it is hard to believe, but this poster sums up Terminal Entry with uncanny accuracy. After all, right up front, we have soldiers and explosions.  Then, in the center a giant computer screen.  And looming over that… A kid in a […]

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