Banshee Chapter (2013)

When I think about Banshee Chapter, I keep finding myself saying “almost” or “nearly” or “not quite” over and over. It is an adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s From Beyond. Well, almost. The original version of the script started life as a first draft of Uwe Boll’s Alone in the Dark, but obviously that didn’t quite […]

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The Speed of Thought (2011)

(aka, Scoper) I’ve had a copy of this film sitting on my pile for some time and finally got around to it because my computer is currently down. This isn’t the first time I’ve had a movie which has lingered for a long time in my “Inbox.” Now I should start out by warning you […]

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Paradox (2016)

Deep below a big warehouse, with the NSA watching, a group of young scientists, led by the mysterious Mr. Landau, have made an incredible breakthrough. And, of course, with a title like Paradox, we know this is going to involve time travel. They test the machine by sending one of them, Jim, ahead an hour… […]

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Midnight Special (2016)

This one is special. Jeff Nichols, who has gained a considerable reputation for his strong, southern dramas, switches gears (well, just a little) to give us a remarkable science fiction drama, which is really a story about the lengths a father is willing to go to for his son. His son’s strange condition gives him […]

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