Banshee Chapter (2013)

When I think about Banshee Chapter, I keep finding myself saying “almost” or “nearly” or “not quite” over and over. It is an adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s From Beyond. Well, almost. The original version of the script started life as a first draft of Uwe Boll’s Alone in the Dark, but obviously that didn’t quite […]

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A Hitch in Time (1978)

I’m never sure how these things work out the way they do, but I ended up watching three Children’s Science Fiction films in a row this weekend. Frequent visitors will not be surprised to learn that I’m taking about a Chinese children’s’ film, a Polish children’s film, and a British children’s film. Now A Hitch […]

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The Being (1983)

It’s one of those Eighties things. Here we have a threadbare, low-budget Eighties creature feature, but it has Martin Landau, Jose Ferrer and, of all unimaginable things, Ruth Buzzi. The same film today would probably star such notables as Eric Roberts or Dean Cain, who are best know for making these sorts of films. The […]

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