Uktena, the Horned Monstrosity (2021)

Honorable Mention (Hey, it’s a giant monster movie.  We cover giant monster movies) There is a useful rule of thumb about giant monster movies: Most of the time you are better off ignoring the bits between the giant monster battles. Now I’ll admit this is somewhat unfair: after all, Kong is a great adventure film, […]

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Unknown Island (1948)

I haven’t thought about this one in a long time. It is actually one of the movies I own, as it was part of my Dad’s old collection, but it has been some time since I watched it. But clips of the film showed up in a Mexican horror film I watched not too long […]

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Zarkorr! The Invader (1996)

I didn’t think much of this one the first time I saw it.  I admit that. But, I don’t know.  I enjoyed it this time around. I’ll admit it, I’m a sucker for giant monster movies.  Give me a guy in a latex suit stomping on Tokyo any day.  It’ll make any movie better, even […]

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Henge [Metamorphosis] (2011)

Honorable Mention This one is strange. And rather disturbing. A young man keeps having these weird seizures where he howls and jumps about uncontrollably.  It’s as if something is taking him over and it keeps getting worse. Then he starts transforming — at first just an arm or a leg — during these fits into…something. […]

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